How to rest during busy times

It seems that the end of the year is filled to the brim with good things…and lots of commitments…and maybe a little stress. If you find yourself getting overwhelmed and losing your sense of joy and wonder, perhaps it is a good time to stop. Stop doing everything. Stop worrying about the things you can’t do or get to. Just stop, breathe, rest, and relax. I saw something this morning that reminded me to remember the things that matter. The question was whether we remember the gifts under the tree - or that there were gifts? Do we remember the times we gathered, shared a meal, and watched a traditional movie or sang traditional carols? Or do we remember the specific food we ate? Sometimes those things are vitally important - but maybe other times we can let a little of the worry and stress go?

Here are some tips to help bring a feeling of peace into your life:

  • Examine what helps you feel peaceful. Maybe it’s having fun with a friend, listening to music, praying, meditating, enjoying a massage or gazing at the stars. Whatever works for you, build more of those experiences into your daily life.

  • If you find yourself rushing all the time, you’ll have to break that habit if you’re serious about finding more peace. Build more free time into your life. Let go of non-essentials. Do less so you can enjoy it more.

  • Breathe with an easy, natural, rhythm of your in-breath and out-breath. Doing this is an effective way for regaining or deepening your calmness.

  • Spread kindness. Spreading cheerfulness is good medicine for everyone.

  • Relax with calm, happy, peaceful people. Gradually, you’ll find it easier to bring that sense of peace into all your relationships.

  • Spend time in nature. Go for a walk or take a hike. Better yet - meet a friend!

  • Stop worrying about the past and fretting about the future. Live fully in the here and now.

  • Do one thing at a time. Give full concentration to the task at hand, striving to perform all actions with even-mindedness.

  • Perhaps most important of all, use your creativity to schedule in some time for being quiet solitude. In that stillness feel the spirit of peace within you and around you.


“This isn’t a job. I love it!”


December Blues